Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lusca development update - IPv6 is almost working

Now that I've (hopefully!) completely finished with university, I can get back into using my hard-earned money from Xenion to get more Lusca development done. (And yes, I'll also be doing wireless development too, fear not.)

The IPv6 branch is a bit messy at the moment, but it's almost able to handle IPv6 server requests.

The problem? The existing code which handles connecting to remote hosts (ie, src/comm.c) doesn't "know" about IPv6. It assumes all sockets are IPv4 and that all hostnames which are returned are also IPv4.

There's unfortunately a lot of dirty code in there - commReuseFD() is the main culprit and a good example of this. The 30 second version - since the commConnectStart() API assumes the socket is already created before the connect() occurs, any "connect retry" (for multiple hostnames and multiple attempts at the same end-host) requires the socket to be closed and recreated. But the FD has to stay the same. So commReuseFD() manually creates a new FD, makes it look like the old FD, then calls dup2() to get it into the same FD as the old one.

The "Correct" Fix is to modify the API to not take an FD, but to return an FD on successful connect() to the remote destination. There's some problems with this though, most notably in the request forwarding layer where the FD is created and comm close handlers are assigned before the connection is attempted. I need to make sure that there's no code which calls comm_close() on the active connection whilst connect() is going on - as said code expects the FD to be valid and assigned by this point.

The "Dirty" fix is to modify commConnectStart() and commReuseFD() to check the FD address family and destroy/create a "new" socket with the correct address family.

The "Problem" is that the code allows the outgoing address to be specified, both for transparent interception (source address spoofing) and to be set via an ACL match. Since IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are now possible, the API will have to be modified to handle this case.

What I'm likely going to do is something inspired by Squid-3. I'll teach the forwarding layer about "try v4 destinations" and "try v6 destinations". The administrator can then configure whether to try v4 or v6 destinations first. Only one outgoing address has to be provided - either "v4" or "v6"; and commConnectStart() will only try connecting to IP addresses that match the family of the outgoing address. That way if a host resolves to a mix of v4 and v6 addresses, they'll be tried in a "v4" group, then a "v6" group (or vice versa.) It's a bit dirty, but it's likely doable in the short-term.

In the long term, I'd like to fix the API up to be less messy and return an FD, rather than take an existing FD and abuse that. But that can come later.

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