I've just renamed Cacheboy to "Lusca". I've had a few potential users comment that "Cacheboy" isn't uhm, "management compatible", so the project has been renamed to try and bring some of these users on board. I'm also hoping to make Lusca less Adrian-focused and involve more of the community. We'll see how that goes.
In terms of development, I've shifted the code to http://code.google.com/p/lusca-cache/ and I'm continuing my work in /branches/LUSCA_HEAD.
I've been working on src/http.c (the server-side HTTP code) in preparation for introducing reference counted buffer/string handling. I removed one copy (of the socket read buffer into another memory buffer, to assemble a buffer containing the HTTP reply, in preparation for parsing) and have just migrated that bit of the codebase over to use my reference counted buffer (buf_t; found in libmem/buf.[ch].) It's entirely possible that I've horribly broken the server-side code so I'm reluctant to do much else until I've finished restructuring and testing the server-side HTTP code.
I've also been tidying up a few more places where the current String API is used "incorrectly", at least incorrectly for reference counted strings/buffers. I have ~ 61 code chunks to rewrite, mostly in the logging code. I've done it twice already in other branches, so this won't be terribly difficult. Its just boring. :)
Oh, and I've also just removed the "caching" bits of the MemPools code. MemPools in LUSCA_HEAD is now just a small wrapper around malloc/calloc/free, mainly to preserve the "block allocator" style API and keep some statistics. At the end of the day, Squid uses memory very very poorly and the caching code in MemPools is purely to avoid said poor memory use. I'm going to just fix the memory use (mostly revolving around String buffers, HTTP headers and the TLV code, amazing that!) so the number of calls through the allocator is much, much reduced. I'm guessing once I've finished, the number of calls through the system allocator will be about 2 or 3% of what they are now. That should drop the CPU use quite a bit.
Ah, now to find testers..
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